Healing from trauma begins when the soul is free to find its connection to spirit and realize that you are creative, spiritual being, capable of changing your life!
"What does my Creator, working out of primeval, cosmic being,
do in me as a human being? If you would give an answer to this question you must make eurythmy movements. God eurythmises,and as the result of His eurythmy there arises the human form....And when illness of some kind or another overtakes the human being, then the creative forms corresponding to his divine archetype sustain injury; here in the physical world, they become different. What shall we do then? We go back to those divine forms of movement; we help the sick human being to make those movements for himself. This will work upon him in such a way that the harm his bodily form may have received will be remedied."
– Rudolf Steiner
Healing Arts Movement Facilitator
Welcome, friend,
I am glad you are here. Sacred Heart Healing is for those souls who are looking to create deep, profound changes in the way they think, feel and act in the world; and in particular, how they think and feel about themselves and their life's purpose and meaning. We don't focus on where you've been. We focus on where you want to go. Your life history, family biography, experiences, and education are a part of that, yes, but they define the past...not the present...nor the future you desire to create. We get to the crux of the issue at hand through conversation and inner listening. And we find what is "living" and moving you forward in life; and what is "dead," and holding you back. We focus on creating more living thoughts and feelings than dead..and growing and imprinting them in the soul, as a strengthening and sustaining force that nurtures you on the path towards finding the true Self. My practice has been called "a little out there" and "ahead of its time" – but the truth is, it's not. These teachings and the simple way I can communicate and share them with you are universal and oh so relevant for our hurried and chaotic, sensory overloaded world. And they work. Quickly.
I came upon this path of knowledge after many, many years of disappointment in seeking to understand and eradicate trauma based fears, anxiety and depression in my own soul. Talking about my problems with a therapist didn’t help me feel understood or heard, nor did it remove the painful memories and debilitating thoughts and feelings associated with them. Thinking positively didn't change anything – it just made me feel worse for not being able to do it all the time. Believing things were karmic or that somehow my higher self had called my struggles into being certainly wasn’t improving my healthy sense of self and trust in life. Having someone else “clear me” or “work on my chakras” made me feel weak and powerless. And letting go was implausible. Like….where was all this going to go? I literally couldn’t talk, think, feel, write, pray or meditate myself into feeling well. I had to find another way.
This way came about through the teachings of spiritual science and especially, Eurythmy, a performance and therapeutic moving art form that harmonizes the soul and deepens the body-soul-spirit connection. Its benefits were tangible, and created powerful, positive changes in my entire emotional health and well being.
Spiritual growth begins not with words, but with the courage to do something different.
From the moment we are born, we are in a continuous state of growth and change. So too, is the natural world in constant movement, flow, and adaptation. When I began to consciously move my body in harmony and rhythm with the divine currents of Eurythmy/Sacred Movement that sustain and support the natural world, my inner soul had a response; just like a river does, when an obstacle is removed from its path. Debilitating thoughts and feelings quieted down as newfound certainty, clarity and trust took root in my soul. I began to feel the physical and spiritual laws of growth that work in the natural world working in me, slowly, organically, building a renewed sense of Self – a self with hope, purpose and meaning. ​​The question,"Do I want to grow towards the person I want to become or remain the person I perceive myself to be?" rang clearly. (Was I going to remove the sticks in the river, or leave them?) This became my path of healing, to set the river in motion .... and keep it flowing.
Maybe you are uncomfortable with the thought of moving your body in a new way. Maybe you don't feel like you are even IN your body right now. I get that. Mercifully, tiny steps forward have a huge impact. You simply have to take a leap of faith and get things moving. If that still feels like too much, I offer an acupressure healing art form that is more passive, Sacred Touch. It is an energetic healing of applied touch around the head and neck that helps stagnant, habitual pathways of negative thought and feeling to flow freely; preparing and opening the way for deeper work.
I've been where you are. Our stories may be different, but our feelings - our joys, our sorrows - are universal. We can get to the other side of despair and hopelessness together. Every day is a brand new day and change truly can happen in an instant. You just have to be willing to start anew, and the rest falls into place.
Appointments are available at Summit Holistic Healing in Winston-Salem, NC. Classes and workshops are held at Mary Alice Warren Community Center in Lewisville, NC and other locations in the Winston-Salem area.